Legion Academy: Daria's notes
The Legion Academy
Ten weeks of courses ("modules")
Ten hours a day
Three "days" off due to illness/the unexpected (who knows what will happen?)
Passing five modules? "Provisional pass" (Blue Team)
Passing ten modules? "Complete pass" (Gold Team)
Preserving evidence
Interviewing and interrogation
Media relations (IT'S GONNA BE IMPORTANT)
Courtrooms and the legal system (MIGHT GET ARRESTED/GO TO TRIAL)
Firearms and non-lethal weapons
Detaining criminals and suspects
Civilian rescue
Close quarter battle (!!!)
* "How badly do you want it?" Courses should test Legionnaire resilience and develop inner strength as well as physical strength.
* Don't want the modules to be so hard that they become "survival of the luckiest".
* Armalin: set the barrier high enough so that jumping it is difficult, but not that it is impossible
* NOTHING SHOULD BE PURPOSELESS! If you can't answer "why are we doing this", then we don't do it.
* This is not a boot camp experience. (May interefere with "how badly do you want it?" but I want to inculcate desire.)
* What kinds of non-lethal weapons? Taser, pepper-spray, mace? Wood batons? (Not PFT)
* ?? Lethal weapons? Firearms?
* No one passes
* People pass, but don't know why they learned what they did
* People pass but haven't really "learned anything" - they went through the motions and passed without absorbing any USEFUL knowledge
* Failure rate should be aimed at 30 percent per module for a person of "substantial motivation" (whatever that is)
-- Why? We don't have the mass numbers to aim for a higher failure rate
-- We should be able to freaking qualify at the Blue level even if we don't hit Gold
-- Even so, people with a lot of inner strength and intellectual resilience should be able to make it through, even hit Gold first try (and we'll put up a plaque and given them pizza)
* We will continue to improve ourself - Legion Academy academics are the basic
* We might have to "requalify" on things we've done before
* Legion Leader as disciplinary measure can make Legionnaires requalify modules if Legionnaires fuck something up in the field
* Modules are not designed so that we can pass them (THAT'S CHEATING) - it should not be a gimme that even Sandi could walk in and pass them while eating a sandwich
* FOS - friends of Stark
* Legionnaires? (USAES?) Only if they can show they're capable of teaching it. But how to assess that?
* Don't use physical fitness as an excuse to wash people out. Everyone has different talents.
* You can't turn someone into an expert in what we plan on doing in a week - the modules give us basic information - put us ahead of the curve of an average person but we can't create marksmen in a week and that's not the point of this. Even so, we should know more about how a gun works than the average person.
* Just because we pass it doesn't mean we can teach it
NON-LEGIONNAIRES doing the training? Maybe. But it doesn't guarantee membership in NLC1.
Ten weeks of courses ("modules")
Ten hours a day
Three "days" off due to illness/the unexpected (who knows what will happen?)
Passing five modules? "Provisional pass" (Blue Team)
Passing ten modules? "Complete pass" (Gold Team)
Preserving evidence
Interviewing and interrogation
Media relations (IT'S GONNA BE IMPORTANT)
Courtrooms and the legal system (MIGHT GET ARRESTED/GO TO TRIAL)
Firearms and non-lethal weapons
Detaining criminals and suspects
Civilian rescue
Close quarter battle (!!!)
* "How badly do you want it?" Courses should test Legionnaire resilience and develop inner strength as well as physical strength.
* Don't want the modules to be so hard that they become "survival of the luckiest".
* Armalin: set the barrier high enough so that jumping it is difficult, but not that it is impossible
* NOTHING SHOULD BE PURPOSELESS! If you can't answer "why are we doing this", then we don't do it.
* This is not a boot camp experience. (May interefere with "how badly do you want it?" but I want to inculcate desire.)
* What kinds of non-lethal weapons? Taser, pepper-spray, mace? Wood batons? (Not PFT)
* ?? Lethal weapons? Firearms?
* No one passes
* People pass, but don't know why they learned what they did
* People pass but haven't really "learned anything" - they went through the motions and passed without absorbing any USEFUL knowledge
* Failure rate should be aimed at 30 percent per module for a person of "substantial motivation" (whatever that is)
-- Why? We don't have the mass numbers to aim for a higher failure rate
-- We should be able to freaking qualify at the Blue level even if we don't hit Gold
-- Even so, people with a lot of inner strength and intellectual resilience should be able to make it through, even hit Gold first try (and we'll put up a plaque and given them pizza)
* We will continue to improve ourself - Legion Academy academics are the basic
* We might have to "requalify" on things we've done before
* Legion Leader as disciplinary measure can make Legionnaires requalify modules if Legionnaires fuck something up in the field
* Modules are not designed so that we can pass them (THAT'S CHEATING) - it should not be a gimme that even Sandi could walk in and pass them while eating a sandwich
* FOS - friends of Stark
* Legionnaires? (USAES?) Only if they can show they're capable of teaching it. But how to assess that?
* Don't use physical fitness as an excuse to wash people out. Everyone has different talents.
* You can't turn someone into an expert in what we plan on doing in a week - the modules give us basic information - put us ahead of the curve of an average person but we can't create marksmen in a week and that's not the point of this. Even so, we should know more about how a gun works than the average person.
* Just because we pass it doesn't mean we can teach it
NON-LEGIONNAIRES doing the training? Maybe. But it doesn't guarantee membership in NLC1.
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