Writeup: Stacy Rowe

Our favorite neko girl.

Stacy Rowe (aka Wildcat)

DEX: 11  STR: 5  BODY: 6
INT: 6 WILL: 4  MIND: 3
INF: 15 AURA: 15 SPIRIT: 3

Motivation:  Responsibility of Power
Wealth:  4 (from stipend)


Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent:  9
Claws: 0/4
Extended Hearing:  5
Jumping: 3
Power Reserve:  9
Regeneration: 10
Running: 6
Telescopic Vision:  4
Thermal Vision:  9

Bonuses and Limitations

Claws are energy based (even though they don’t look it).  Force Fields or Skin Armor are -1 in RV against a Claws attack.   Use of Claws is always Killing Combat.

Power Reserve can only be applied to Physical Attributes and neither DEX, STR, nor BODY may have more than 3 APs temporarily added.  If 1-3 points are used, Stacy takes on a semi-feline appearance (cat eyes, fangs) and INT drops to 4.  If 4-8 points are used, Stacy becomes more feline (fur, changes in body shape) and INT drops to 2.  If all points are used, Stacy becomes a full non-human looking “felinoid”, and INT drops to 1 (cat).  In which case, she will keep attacking her opponent using Killing Combat until combat is resolved or she retreats and runs from the battlefield.  It will take at least an hour for her intelligence to return unless Mind Control or Animal Handling is used.

Regeneration recovery is limited to injury suffered in Killing Combat.  If suffering any injury designed to kill or maim (Killing Combat, for example), she can roll a recovery roll every two minutes instead of every 24 hours.

Stacy behaves in predictable ways when her Irrational Attraction to Men kicks in – she becomes very flirty, provocative and a little goofy.  The Irrational Attraction will end after she either has sex, or until a friend intervenes in a “battle” of INT/WILL vs. 3/3 in AV/EV is reduced to zero.  (i.e., it will eat up a few rounds of time in redirecting her.)

Skills:  Acrobatics 13, Charisma (Persuasion: 4), Thief (Stealth): 13
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Lawndale), Attractive, Connoisseur (Fashion only), Lightning Reflexes, Popularity, Sharp Eye
Connections (*): Tiffany Blum-Deckler (High), Sandi Griffin (High), Quinn Morgendorffer Stacy Rowe (High)
Drawbacks (*):  Age, Irrational Attraction to Men (Minor:  Roll one time every 15 APs/1 day), Public Identity

Real name:  Anastasia Maud Rowe
Occupation:  Legionnaire
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Addison and Cindy Rowe (Parents)
Group Affiliation:  National Legion Chapter #001
Height:  5’4 1/2" (1.64 m)
Weight: 110 pounds (49.9 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair:  Brown


  1. Could Stacy's semi feline/ feline form have a weakness/irrational attraction to affection? I mean, if someone were Brave( or crazy!) enough to get close enough to her in her feline form or semi feline form in a fight and, I don't know, scratch her behind her ears- would that then take her out of the battle because she would be too busy enjoying that scritching? I would think it would be awfully hard to think about fighting when one is busy purring. Just a thought.

    1. I dunno, man. I have two cats (or rather "two cats have me") and when they're mad, they sure as hell don't wanna be petted! :D

    2. Sending comments via PM. Yeah. Annoyance time. :-)


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