Legion Relationships: Daria, Jane
I'm starting to fill out for my own purposes a "Legion Relationship Grid". Basically, this is a "who likes who" type of grid. I classify all relationships within the Legion in the following way.
Very close friends: One really shouldn't have more than a handful of very close friends, and four, frankly, is really, REALLY pushing it. Once you get past two very close friends, one of those friends is going to get degraded into a "fond friendship". Your best friend should definitely be a very close friend, but I didn't want to create a "Best Friend" designation.
Fond friendship: These are people that you admire and enjoy talking to. The "enjoy talking to" part is important, because friendship requires communication to some degree - if you're a friend of someone "from afar" you're really not much of a friend. This should be the "second echelon" of friendship.
Normal acquaintance: These are people that are your "baseline". If you are a pleasant person, your relationships with your normal acquaintances will be pleasant, but not particular deep. You might not have much in common to make them "fond friends". However, if you spend a lot of time with them, they might move up the scale.
Wariness or standoffish: You generally don't like spending time with these people, but they are not the lowest class. You can usually be civil towards them. Maybe you don't like their personality, attitude, or their past, but these are people you usually keep at arm's length.
Hostility or dislike: You just don't like these people. At all. And you don't feel the need to necessarily be pleasant to them. Reactions can ranged to feigned plesantness to outright snark and nastiness. There is probably a lower level than this ("enemy") but if two Legionnaires have an enemy relationship, one (or both) would have to go.
Now, let's look at Daria's relationships
Very close friends: Only Jane falls in this category. They are best friends as of this writing.
Fond friendship: Quinn and Charles. Quinn and Daria would never admit that they are friends, and they are still very snarky towards each other (and have disputes) but whereas their old Season One relationship would have been "hostility or dislike" they now actually admire each other's better qualities and would definitely say that to their friends or any neutral party, if not each other. It's a big change.
Charles is the other one out of necessity. She's had to talk to him in his role as Deputy Leader and admires the guy. They don't hang out or anything, but once again, big change from Season One where that was also a "hostility or dislike" relationship.
Normal acquaintance: Everyone else in the Legion, pretty much, with one exception.
Wariness or standoffish: Tom. She finds it hard to forgive the whole Tom thing, but realize the guy's trying to turn it around. But she'd really rather not spend time with him and prefers that he does whatever he does off on his own. (She's not going to hassle him though.) They can work on shared goals without any problems.
And now, a look at Jane's relationships:
Very close friends: Daria and Trent. Daria is still her best friend and even though she's fondly disposed towards her brother as a family member, he basically counts as a best friend as well.
Normal acquaintance: Everyone else, even Tom. Jane hasn't forgotten either, but she's emotionally moved on and Tom and Jane can have pleasant conversations. Jane might occasionally be snarky towards Tom, but doesn't see the need to bitch him out. They can actually talk about their hopes and aspirations although Jane and Tom will probably not move into the "fond friendship" zone anytime soon.
Okay, I'm pretty sure the pretty colors on the chart mean something. Do they correspond to what type of relationship each Legionnaire has with the others? And if so, how?
ReplyDeleteRight now, orange = very close friends, yellow = fond friendship, green = normal acquaintance, blue = wariness or standoffish, red = hostility or dislike.