Writeups: Fran Lawrence

Update:  Richard Lobinske has revealed Fran Lawrence's birth name.

The first of the three "hard" writeups, since these are characters that have been to one degree or another out of my creative control.

I had to make some hard choices about Fran's use of Shrinking as a ranged power.  I read BG's suggestions but felt they were a little too powerful, so hopefully what I have is a compromise.  Maybe Fran can still keep objects shrunken indefinitely, but the power has to be reapplied every so often.

I still don't know what the RV of Salazarium is, so I'm giving it a BODY = 6 for now.  It's a soft, heavy, malleable metal something like lead.  Giving it a BODY >= 6 leads to creep of making it the next Adamantium.  (The Alliance undoubtedly wears Salazarium alloys that have greater RV.)

Fran Lawrence's creator, Richard Lobinske, never got back in touch with me.  Therefore, Fran's name is final for now unless he states that it's actually something different.

Fran Lawrence (aka Micron)

DEX: 10 STR: 5 BODY: 6
INT: 5 WILL: 6 MIND: 9
INF: 10 AURA: 10 SPIRIT: 9

Motivation:  Unwanted Power
Wealth:  4 (from stipend)


Flight:  5
Gliding:  7
Light Immunity:  6 (includes light-based weaponry)
Microscopic Vision: 10
Shrinking: 20
Telescopic Vision:  10

Bonuses and Limitations

While Shrinking, Fran can “decouple” her weight from her size, and strike an opponent using her APs of power as an EV (basically treating her APs of power as STR).  This is a very difficult thing to do and requires both a) a Surprise Attack and b) that Fran rest for one AP for each 2 APs of Shrinking used in this way. 

Example:  Fran uses all 20 APs of Shrinking to attack Tom Sloane.  If Tom is Surprised and she uses her APs as an EV, then Fran will have to rest for 10 APs (1 hour) before attacking again.

Shrinking has a Range of 2 APs (40 feet) on both living and non-living objects.  The RV/EV of such an attack is BODY.  When the RV/EV of the defender (animate or otherwise) has been reduced to a hypothetical 0 APs (i.e. Shrinking is not a physical attack but is only calculated as one for purpose of using it as a Ranged power), Fran may shrink the object.  

This means that Fran might have to spend a few rounds concentrating. If the object disappears from Fran’s line of sight, the “attack” is broken and Fran must start all over again.

Formula:  size of object Shrunk (in APs of volume) + final size of object (see scale) + time Shrunk (in APs of time) <= 34

Sizes of objects:
2:  small human
3:  dog
5:  cat
6:  small bird
8:  mouse (Fran cannot shrink anything below mouse sized)

Example:  Fran wishes to shrink an A380 airbus to the size of a cat (so she can carry it away).  The A380 is 14 APs in volume, the difficulty is 5 (cat size).  She can shrink the object for 34 – 14 – 5 =15 APs of time (1 day).  She could shrink a city bus (8 APs) to the size of a mouse (difficulty 8) for 34-8-8 = 18 APs of time (4 days).

Fran must Shrink to less than half her size to activate Flight, and then takes the Strange Appearance drawback.

Skills:  Acrobatics *: 10, Thief *: 10
Advantages: Iron Nerves, Lightning Reflexes, Sharp Eye
Connections (*):  Thieves Guild (High)
Drawbacks (*):  Guilt, Public Identity, Strange Appearance (Wings)


Collapsible Baton [BODY: 6, EV: 6 (for Fran), Range: 2, Magic Shield: 6]

Baton is approximately 6 inches collapsed and 16 inches extended.
EV of Baton is always user’s STR + 1.
Magic Shield has the Advantage of defending against all objects in the 2 APs (40 foot) Range, not just objects in front of her. 


These are collapsible winglets which are part of Fran’s Legion uniform.  When using Gliding, using the Winglets gives Fran a +1 AP column shift in her favor for any DEX roll used while Gliding.

Real name:  Frances Lorraine Lawrence
Occupation:  Legionnaire
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Parents and younger sister (deceased), David and Beth Stamford (uncle and aunt), Stamford twin children (cousins)
Group Affiliation:  National Legion Chapter #001
Height:  4’11” (1.50 m)
Weight: 95 pounds (43.1 kg)
Eyes: Gray
Hair:  Dark Brown


  1. I have no problem with any of this. As for the BODY of Terrestrial Salazarium - since its inception, it's almost always been mistaken for iron pyrites (or 'fools' gold), but a little tougher; it's ranked as 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs Hardness scale (which actually makes it harder than iron, which is listed on the Mohs scale as 4 to 5).


    The fact that it's been able to be forged and molded into jewelry, weapons and artifacts in antiquity shows that it's never going to be considered as a 'super-metal' like it's cousin - the alloy Basic Salazarium (and it's important to remember that the former is an actual element while the latter is an alloy, only created in the last century). Also, there will be no getting suits of armor in the present day of either; the former is too rare and those who have access guard their stores/knowledge of locations zealously, while the price and synthesis capabilities of those who can generate the latter are either far too expensive or carefully-guarded government secrets (at present, only the U.S., the Russian Federation and an alarmingly minute number of allies have access to Salazarium stores, and the synthesis formulas are only possessed by the U.S. and Russia.

  2. I also like the idea of having to 're-apply' her shrinking ability. That has promise as a way to do certain fun or devastating things...

  3. Oh, yes. The baton's Magic Shield is active only when the baton is extended.


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