Writeups: Trent Lane

I don't know if the colors will transfer into the WYSIWYG template, but I have highlighted some of the text in "red bold".  These are powers/skills/whatever that don't appear in the DC Heroes game but appear somewhere online or in writeups.org.  The "red" is to remind me that I won't be able to find that reference in my books and I need to start Googling.

Trent Lane (aka Frost)

DEX: 4 STR: 2 BODY: 5
INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2

Motivation:  Unwanted Power
Wealth:  4 (from stipend)


Cold Immunity:  16
Flame Immunity:  8
Ice Control:  6
Ice Production:  13

Skills:  Artist (Musician:  2), Vehicles: 3
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Lawndale)
Connections (*):  Jane Lane (High), Sherrie Klein (Medium)
Drawbacks (*):  Public Identity, Uncertainty, 
Minor Irrational Dislike (Firearms)

(*):  In addition to the characteristics listed, Trent also inherits all bonuses, connections, advantages and drawbacks of Legion role and is equipped with all standard Legionnaire equipment. 

Real name:  Trent Lane (no middle name, has used ‘James’ in honor of Jim Morrison)
Occupation:  Legionnaire
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Vincent and Amanda (parents), Wind, Summer, Penny, Jane (siblings), Courtney (nephew), Amanda (niece)
Group Affiliation:  National Legion Chapter #001
Height:  5'11" (1.80 m)
Weight: 160 pounds  (72.6 kg)
Eyes: Green
Hair:  Black


  1. A few things:

    1.) I don't know exactly where it is, but I think you established a long while back that Trent's middle name is 'Ethan'.

    2. Trent's power works on two levels (just like Polar Boy and Iceman); it incorporates 'cold' and 'moisture'. While his primary use is to generate ice, he can generate both pure cold (in the way that Mack can generate pure heat) or he could create water (and considering just how much ice he can create, he can produce far more water). Also, as we saw in LLH 13.7 (but being honest, it's never going to be a skill he'll ever work on honing), Trent has the ability to shape ice into any solid form that he desires. Again - he's never going to work on advancing it, so Queen Elsa has no worries... either in ice powers or singing.

    3. Trent has a Unique Weapon. From the 'PFT Weapon' entry on the Wiki:

    In Legion of Lawndale Heroes 13.4, Trent Lane is seen using a unique weapon - a variant of the M4 assault rifle. Known as 'the Southpaw', it has a variable firing rate of up to 3000 ppm, has a special gravitic compensator that allows for controllable firing even at the highest firing rates, and incorporates a proprietary power core that allows the weapon a firing capacity roughly ten times that of the standard M4.

    Given to him by Sherrie Klein after the events of LLH 12.7, the Southpaw is slightly shorter in length than a standard PFT, and also possesses several other features, such as a variable-frequency laser designator that can also be used as a laser torch/cutter (range: 50 meters), and has a six-round self-regenerating micro-plasma shell launcher (the equal of a grenade launcher). The Southpaw also has a special scanning/targeting element that allows the weapon to instantly modulate its charges and adapt its fire to penetrate even multiple force fields or solid barriers, and fire upon multiple specified targets even in a large group.

    Like the 'Lawgiver' made for Sandi Griffin in 'A Legion Halloween', the Southpaw has special safety features. It is a signature weapon, which means that only Trent's hand-print or voice authorization can activate the weapon for use or shut it down. A second safety feature is an 'energy-dispersal node' built into the Southpaw; this feature will immediately shunt any excess energy into the weapon away through an exotic inter-dimensional micro-fissure used by the weapon when firing through solid objects. A secondary use of this is to shunt off the omnidirectional concussive wave that would be generated by the Southpaw if fired underwater.

    I assume that the events of 'Lane Miserables' happened before the time-frame of LLH, so if that's true, then Helen (who would treat him like a lost puppy she needs to care of before its owners arrive) would be a connection. If not, I have a feeling that the way she spoke to him about pulling himself together would count in his mind, He'd see her as someone who actually bothered to push him to do things.

  2. He'd also have knowledge of the music industry as an advantage. He'd read up on things and people, and he's probably got a decent amount of knowledge into music history as a skill.

  3. Oops. The Southpaw is a PFT variant weapon, not a slug thrower like an M4 rifle.


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