Writeups: Jamie White

One of the newest Legionnaires, and the last of the "easy" writeups.

Jamie White (aka Blackstar)

DEX: 5 STR: 3 BODY: 4
INT: 6 WILL: 10 MIND: 15
INF: 12 AURA: 10 SPIRIT: 9

Motivation:  Thrill Seeker
Wealth:  4 (from stipend)


Gravity Decrease:  12
Gravity Increase:  12
Density Increase:  12
Flight:  12

Bonuses and Limitations

Density Increase must be Used on Others after Gravity Increase.
Density Increase may be Used on Self as an addition to STR.

Skills:  Vehicles:  1
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Lawndale)
Connections (*):  Quinn Morgendorffer (High)
Drawbacks (*):  Public Identity

(*):  In addition to the characteristics listed, Jamie also inherits all bonuses, connections, advantages and drawbacks of Legion role and is equipped with all standard Legionnaire equipment. 

Real name:  Jamie Parker White
Occupation:  Legionnaire
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Rudy and Chelsey White (parents)
Group Affiliation:  National Legion Chapter #001
Height:  5'9" (1.75 m)
Weight: 165 pounds (74.8 kg)
Eyes: Green
Hair:  Blonde


  1. Just a couple of things:

    * by decreasing gravity, Jaime can duplicate lifting strength to levels higher than Tom; in addition, Jaime's power runs a gravitational field through incredibly large objects that increases their structural integrity (so they don't crumble under their own weight). This is like an equivalent ability that USAES Cadet Kelly Springer has for her hyper-strength ability (except her's is psionically-based).

    * Jaime can generate high-gravity fields around his appendages (primarily his arms and hands) in order to simulate hyper-levels of strength. We know that he can throw objects hard enough to break the sound barrier (Mach 1-plus speeds minimum), and that he can hit Tom with super-strength (but it's not enough to affect him, but can cause massive shockwaves that can heavily damage or destroy nearby structures.

    In the 'Mini' 'Jaime and His Choices', we saw that Jaime can:

    * exert fine control over his gravity fields; enough so that he can bend light/visible EM energies around himself or hold it in position (we saw him stop a laser cannon blast in the firing range, and hold it in position with no effort)

    * compress extraordinary amounts of matter into extremely small shapes. Taking after Jane's example with her hammer and a junkyard with material to form it with, Jaime took the entire contents of a junkyard and compressed it into a bar of ultra-heavy material the shape/size of a regular candy bar. (Jodie theorized that he could compress the material down to pin-head size, but didn't ask him to for fear that he might accidentally achieve fission and cause a nuclear explosion.)

    Jaime can possibly fly at faster speeds than he imagines, but does not have the physical capability to survive such speeds unaided. (He may be able to do so with equipment like Jodie's force-field belt generator - if he had a similar device used just for flight.) He is, however, faster and far more agile in flight with his own powers than with a Legion flight ring (he suffers no penalties for high-speed flight maneuvers, and only Julia is more capable in flight than he is). For purposes of flight and flying combat, Jaime can use his power score as DEX.

    Because of his fine control over his fields, Jaime can lift multiple objects and move them in a telekinetic-like matter. At present, he can only do this with large objects (sports balls and larger) and he is only capable of simply movement at present. He can only manipulate six objects of large automobile-size or smaller at one time, or three of anything bigger (regardless of size). For attempting to affect multiple objects in this way, Jaime's power score is used as DEX; for every additional six objects he tries to manipulate, his DEX goes down -1 (his DEX can never go below 4, for purposes of the number of objects he can manipulate/his success in doing so).


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