Writeups: Jodie Landon

I'm saving the tough ones - Fran, Julia, and Karen - for last.

Jodie Landon (aka Brainiac)

DEX: 4 STR: 2 BODY: 2
INT: 18 WILL: 18 MIND: 15
INF: 10 AURA: 14 SPIRIT: 12

Motivation:  Responsibility of Power
Wealth:  4 (from stipend)


Recall:  15

Skills:  Detective: 11, Gadgetry:  20, Medicine:  12, Scientist:  18
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Lawndale), Scholar (Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Physics, Robotics, Computers), Sharp Eye, Miscellaneous:  Penalty for Unskilled action is only -1 CS (if there is a note that “X may not be used Unskilled”, she may still use it but at the normal -2 CS penalty).
Connections (*):  Mack Mackenzie (High), Brittany Taylor (High), University of Uppsala (Medium)
Drawbacks (*):  Public Identity, Strange Appearance (as of September 2018)

(*):  In addition to the characteristics listed, Jodie also inherits all bonuses, connections, advantages and drawbacks of Legion role and is equipped with all standard Legionnaire equipment. 


FORCE FIELD BELT: (BODY: 7, Force Field:  20, Force Manipulation:  20, Sealed Systems:  16, Bomb:  8)
Force Field may be projected, losing 1 AP for every AP projected.
Force field loses 1 AP for each AP of Force Manipulation used.
Force Manipulation may only create a simply shaped object with Body equal to APs of power with 0 APs of Jodie or divide APs between the AV and EV of a physical attack.
Sealed Systems may only be used within the Force Field.

(Note:  Every d10 rounds, the Force Field belt requires recalibration, which requires one round where Jodie’s only action is to recalibrate the belt.  Failure to recalibrate the belt within 3 rounds will result in the belt exploding (i.e. the Bomb power switched on), destroying the belt.)

Computer MiniPad x 3: (INT: 3, BODY: 3, Recall: 15, Split: 5, R#: 2)
Each of these pads is about the size of a cell phone and fit into various slots in the Force Field belt.

Real name:  Jodie Renee Landon
Occupation:  Legionnaire
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Andrew and Michele (parents), Rachel (sister), Evan (brother)
Group Affiliation:  National Legion Chapter #001
Height:  5'5" (1.70 m)
Weight: 119 pounds (54.0
Eyes: Brown, slowly turning Gold
Hair:  Black, slowly turning Blonde


  1. A couple of things:

    * Maybe the forcefield should be more powerful - powerful enough to contain a Superman for a small amount of time.

    * Jodie has her parents as connections: her dad (thanks to Dynell, who provided a formula to him to perfect his folding cup -thus making him a billionnaire- and also gave him the metahuman power of ionization) and her mom (who's now the Mayor of Lawndale).

    * Ms. Li is a connection for Jodie; perhaps like for no other Legionnaire.

  2. Do you think perhaps Jodie might also possess a touch of super speed? I know she doesn't zip around at warp speed or anything, but that super speed could represent her ability to process information faster and more efficiently like a living supercomputer. Just a thought.


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