Writeups: Julia Carlyle

This writeup is a big old pain in the posterior.  There are a few things that had to happen to get this writing off the ground.

1) Julia is really, really overpowered.  She's got a lot of abilities that we've never even really seen.  So you have to go in trying to balance between a) fairly representing what she can do and b) allowing Superman creep.

2) The Resistance Values when using certain skills aren't well defined.  Take, for example, Thievery.  Julia is a low-level member of the Theives' Guild.  (Or, at least, interned with them.)  So we have to give her competency in thievery, but not too much competency, at least none like Fran has.

Fran has 10 APs in Thievery (all kinds, including Electronic).  I chose 10 APs rather arbitrarily as 10 AP is a pretty high level.  But where should Julia be?  3 AP?  5 AP?  Or more?

We know that a) she stole about $10,000,000 in her internship year and that b) she is considered "excellent" in safecracking.  A typical wall safe has a RV of 4 and an "extremely complicated" safe has an RV of 15. (Yeah, that description is about as helpful as you think it is.)  So in order to be "excellent", I'll put that an "excellent safe" is 4 + 2 = 6 AV and that she has a 50 percent chance of making headway every four seconds against such a safe.  I'll furthermore assume that she was the "junior partner" in any attempt and that you can probably find $1,000,000 or so in an "excellent" safe.  (We'll assume that AP 15 safes are the stuff you keep the Soul Crystal or Doctor Who trapped in.)

I'm only using Thievery as only one of several kinds of on-the-spot decisions I had to make.

3) Certain "skills" are better subsumed in other Attributes.  Julia is an expert marksman, but all having the Weaponry skill gives you is that it lets you substitute APs of the skill for your AV of DEX.  Since Julia's DEX is already 15 AP, a Weaponry/Firearms skill doesn't really "give" her anything in game mechanics.  She would be an expert marksman the moment someone says, "here's how you line up the sights; go point and click."

We know that she is an "expert fighter".  But her DEX 15 and STR 5 undoubtedly reflect her training, because all Martial Arts does it allow you to substitute APs and Julia's APs are so high you have to really crank up Martial Arts for it to give the character any advantage.  Basically, Julia's Martial Arts skills are represented by her baseline Attributes.

With all that being said, here we go.  Items in red reflect Powers/Skills/Whatever not normally found in the source DC Heroes material but found elsewhere online.

Julia Carlyle (aka Archangel)

DEX: 15 STR: 5 (10)  BODY: 8
INT: 8 WILL: 10 MIND: 15
INF: 14 AURA: 15 SPIRIT: 15

Motivation:  Responsibility of Power
Wealth:  4 (from stipend) (*)

(*) – Julia has 4 APs of Wealth when living as a Legionnaire – she accepts the stipend and does not draw from any money outside of it.  In case of an emergency, she can draw on what would have been an allowance of 16 APs from her wealthy family without asking.  In the unlikely event that 16 APs will not make the purchase, she will have to use the Rich Family/Friends Advantage.


Extended Hearing:  24 (*) / Super Ventriloquism:  24 (*)
Extra-Sensory Tracking:  20
Flame Project:  3
Flight:  20
Gliding:  8
Invulnerability:  8
Mind Field:  4
Sealed Systems:  10
Skin Armor:  4
Sonic Beam:  6
Spirit Travel:  12
Super Hearing:  3
Superspeed:  20
Telescopic Vision:  9

Bonuses and Limitations

Extended Hearing and Super-Ventriloquism work in tandem.  Julia must be able to view who she is speaking with in real time.  Her Extended Hearing is a form of clairaudience that allows her to hear what the target of Super-Ventriloquism is telling her.

Extra-Sensory Tracking can only be used within 50 miles of the location of the target if Julia has a personal item of the target.  If she has no such item, she can still use the power successfully if she is within six miles of the target.

Flame Project can be used to surround an object with flame without damaging it, e.g. “coating” a sword in flame without damaging the weapon.

Flight is only available when Julia uses her wings.  She can access STR = 10 when using her wings and carrying objects.

Invulnerability is immune to attack with any ability such as Power Drain.  Her Invulnerability is essentially a baseline attribute.

Invulnerability is a Ranged power, passed through bodily fluids (saliva). 
When the power is passed on in this way, however:
* It is only active for 15 minutes.
* It can even be used on those who have been dead < 12 hours.
* It cannot cure “pre-existing” chronic conditions or diseases.

Mind Field comes with the Bonus of using Extra-Sensory Tracking through the shield, and the Limitation of Field Protects User Only.

Sonic Beam is a Ranged power and can attack everything within a range of 8 APs (1/4 of a mile)

Spirit Travel can only be projected to a range of 150 miles.  She has all her powers in her spirit form.

Superspeed is only active when Flight is used.

Skills: Thief: 6, Melee Weapons/Tonfa: +1 AV)
Advantages: Area Knowledge (New York City), Attractive, Free Access (FBI), Rich Family/Friends
Connections:  The Alliance (High), Arete/The Elite (Medium),
FBI (Low), Thieves’ Guild (Low), Twelve Clans (High)
Drawbacks (**): Public Identity, Serious Dislike (Tom Sloane), Strange Appearance (when using wings)

(**):  In addition to the characteristics listed, Julia also inherits all bonuses, connections, advantages and drawbacks of both her Alliance and her Legionnaire role and has access to the standard equipment of both roles.  She currently uses Legionnaire standard equipment. 


PFT-M1 [BODY: 3, EV: 5, Range: 4]

The PFT-M1 is an advanced technology weapon that has neither an ammo rating (meaning it can be fired without reloading) or a reliability number (meaning that it doesn’t break down). Body Armor has no effect against the weapon. Force Fields suffer -1 OV column shift against the PFT-M1.

Real name:  Julia Elaine Majel Carlyle
Occupation:  Legionnaire
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Deforest Carlyle (father), Forbes Carlyle (birth mother), Paige Turner (adoptive mother), Antigone (younger sister), Lex (younger brother), Miranda Carlyle (great-grandmother)
Group Affiliation:  National Legion Chapter #001
Height:  5’10” (1.78 m)
Weight: 120 pounds (54.5 kg)
Eyes: Green
Hair:  Dark Brown


  1. Good job.

    Okay, get your breath because the most aggravating legionnaire is coming up next!

  2. I can't believe that you mistook Julia's most prominent characteristic - she's a redhead, with dark scarlet hair. (Dark scarlet-hued hair and jade-green eyes are the most prominent characteristics of the Clan Carlyle.)

    Also, with her invulnerability (read: healing), it CAN cure “pre-existing” chronic conditions or diseases. That's why Julia has been taught to be incredibly careful about allowing people access to her bodily fluids, tries to relieve herself only in specifically-marked restrooms and when in areas with no appropriate such restroom facilities, will use her powers to eliminate her body waste (to minimize the chance of something being accidentally healed, cured, etc and becoming a major danger). That's why, in the 'Mini' 'Clarity', she carbonized the patch of earth her drops of blood landed upon.


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