Writeups: Mack Mackenzie

The man they called "Mack Daddy".

Mack Mackenzie (aka Inferno)

DEX: 7 STR: 3 BODY: 6
INT: 5 WILL: 7 MIND: 8
INF: 13 AURA: 11 SPIRIT: 9

Motivation:  Upholding the Good
Wealth:  4 (from stipend) 


Energy Absorption:  8
Flame Being:  10
Flame Immunity:  11
Flash:  12
Flight:  12
Heat Vision:  12

Bonuses and Limitations

All Powers are derived from Flash.
Energy Absorption only works on heat or flame.
Heat Vision can originate from any part of his body, not just his eyes.  (This allows him to shoot flames.)

Skills:  Thief (Stealth):  4, Vehicles:  2, Weapons (Exotic Weapons (*):  Energy, Kinetic:  4)
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Lawndale), Intensive Training
Connections:  Carter Leppner (Medium), Core of Ringbearers (Low), Jodie Landon (High), Angier Sloane (High), Elsie Sloane (Medium), Tom Sloane (High),
Drawbacks (**): Arch Enemy (Janet Barch Regulus), Public Identity

(*):  Exotic Weapons are those that the Corps of Ringbearers would use.
(**):  In addition to the characteristics listed, Mack also inherits all bonuses, connections, advantages and drawbacks of his Legionnaire role and is equipped with all standard Legionnaire equipment. 

Real name:  birth name Michael James Mackenzie, changed legally to Michael Jordan Mackenzie
Occupation:  Legionnaire
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Gary and Tina Mackenzie (parents), Chris (uncle or older relative), Jesse (cousin)
Group Affiliation:  National Legion Chapter #001, “The Line” (Corps of Ringbearers)
Height:  6’2” (1.88 m)
Weight: 209 pounds (94.8 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair:  Black


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